Want to Join an
Accompaniment Team?
Hi, beloved community! Accompaniment teams are a crucial aspect of our cohort trips. These teams of two, composed of a Black mental health practitioner and mentor with lived experiences, attend a Hood Exchange trip, supporting cohort members along the way. This support includes guiding participants through trauma-informed healing, mental health, and professional development conversations and activities during the trip; offering the cohort tools they can use to prioritize their wellness and growth throughout their lives; and otherwise building a loving community with cohort members.
The application window for our first accompaniment team is now live and open to Atlanta residents! This team will accompany our inaugural cohort of six formerly incarcerated Black folks between the ages of 18 and 30 to Ghana in March 2024. If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please fill out this form. If you are interested in serving as mental health support, please fill out this form.